Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Parable of Good Soil

(Matthew 13 - Mark 4 - Luke 8)

Good soil produces good fruit, plain and simple.  The soil on the path had been trampled and walked on for so long that it had become hardpacked, tough and impenitrable.  The soil on the rocks lacked depth and had no place for the seed to take root.  The thorny soil had sat so long uncultivated that weeds and thorns grew in abundance.  None of these had room for a new seed, or any seed at all for that matter.  But the good soil was altogether different.  This soil had been worked on.  It had yielded itself to the Gardener's plow, had yielded itself to the digging, and therefore was now ready and open to receive the seed. 

The good news of all of this is that you are much more than a plot of dirt.  You may not have much choice over where your life was laid or choices other people made about you or towards you, but you do have a choice as to which type of soil you will be.  Will you let the abuse that life tends to bring with it harden your heart to the point that you're not even sure that its beating anymore?  Will you stay shallow and void of spiritual depth and be rootless?  Will you neglect the daily "working out your salvation" that is required to make room for good seed?  There is no good soil that happens by accident.  Every patch of ground that produces a harvest has moved past the potential of what it could be into the area of becoming surrendered to the work of the Gardener.  No good soil becomes that way by accident, and no good soil gets that way on its own.

So today, what sort of soil will you choose to be?  Stay pliable and plowable, get rid of the rocks and lay some roots, get busy weeding the thorns and thistles out, and then....make some fruit!

Monday, February 7, 2011

We need something different

We need something different.  We're not the only ones saying this and hopefully that's a good thing.  We pray that there is a growing epidemic of believers who are unwilling to keep on "doing church as usual". We pray that out of this epidemic grows more and more churches that are authentic and genuine in their life of faith. What for us started as a dangerous question of, "What would it look like if we started a church?" has grown into an unavoidable calling.  Mosaic Life Church's mission is to "Become a healing community of Faith growing the Kingdom of God one life, one family at a time."  Our heart's desire is to be RELATIONAL, RELEVANT, and RADICAL.  We're a growing number of people who desire to move out of where we have been and what we have known regarding "church as we've known it" and move into something deeper.  What that is...we're not sure of yet.  To be absolutely honest, these are uncharted waters for us.  Sure we have seen glimpses here and there along our journey of faith and life, but have we seen a clear picture, can we even be a clear picture? This we are not sure of, but this is what we're called to.  We welcome you join us and plunge headlong into the unknown territory of "Church as it could be".